Category Archives: Tools

Java Memory Management in Practice: Video Notes

This post contains the notes that accompany the video tutorial JMM in Practice on YouTube. On this video you can learn the basic principles of how the JVM performs garbage collection and manages the heap space.

Download the Source Code

You can download the source code from this GitHub repository.
It is a Maven project that you can directly import into your favourite IDE.

Installing and Running Visual VM

The Visual VM download page is located here.

To install Visual VM you just need to unzip the downloaded archive into a directory of your choice.

To run Visual VM invoke the binary for your operating system, passing the options for the JDK and user directory (this is the location where you want Visual VM to store data files).

For example, on Windows:

visualvm.exe --jdkhome <path to JDK> --userdir <path to user directory>


Once Visual VM is running you can activate the Visual GC plugin as follows:

1. From the menu select Tools -> Plugins
2. In the popup window select the tab “Available Plugins”
3. Check “Visual GC” from the list and click on the Install button
4. Close the popup

You should see the “Visual GC” tab now available on Visual VM.

Watch the Video

You now have all the tools you need to follow the video and replicate the experiment on your system.

Best GitHub eBooks For Beginners

I’m happy to announce that my book, “A Practical Guide to Git and GitHub for Windows Users: From Beginner to Expert in Easy Step-By-Step Exercises”, made it to BookAuthority’s Best GitHub eBooks For Beginners.

BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support!

The book is available for purchase on Amazon.

The best GitHub ebooks for beginners

Git and GitHub ebook 2nd Edition

I am happy to announce that the 2nd edition of my Kindle ebook “A Practical Guide to Git and GitHub for Windows Users” is available today at Amazon.

In this edition I have added an entire new chapter describing in detail how to implement the Centralized Workflow, giving readers the opportunity to review the techniques learned and apply them to a real-world project.

Chapter 3 has been updated to reflect some changes to the GitHub user interface.

The “Next Steps” section has now gained a separate space of its own at the end of the book.

Last but not least many thanks for the support and feedback received from readers of the 1st edition all over the world.

Free Git and GitHub book

A Practical Guide to Git and GitHub
My new book A Practical Guide to Git and GitHub for Windows Users is officially available on Amazon!

I am giving it away for free to all my blog readers. This offer expires on Thursday 30 June so make sure you grab your copy now before the price goes up! (normal RRP $4.99).

The coolest open source projects today are hosted on GitHub and everyone is adopting Git as the version control system for new projects, so these are must-have skills for all software professionals.
I wrote this book with the intent to helping Windows users to learn Git and GitHub skills in an easy, interactive and professional way. I hope you will find it useful.

Since its launch it has already ranked in the top 100 paid best sellers in the Computing > Programming and Databases categories on Amazon. Grab your free copy now! Here is the link:

And don’t forget to tell your friends too!

P.S.: If you enjoy the book and find it helpful please leave a review on Amazon after you have read it. Thank you!